DTI-Energies brings...

DTI-Energies brings support to the Blackswan foundation and the Lions Club of Geneva

samedi 23 avril 2016

Under the scope of a charity evening, DTI-Energies was sponsor of the event helping to collect funds for the foundation researches.

The Blackswan Foundation : 

"The BLACKSWAN Foundation was founded by Dr Olivier Menzel and born of the efforts of the Division of Pediatric Surgery of the University Hospitals Geneva.

Dr Menzel has based his career on advancing our understanding of rare and orphan diseases. However, he promptly realized that there was a dire lack of support from private and public funding sources in Switzerland. This is in contrast to the fact that there are 8000 rare diseases and that as many as 5 new conditions are reported weekly in the medical literature. It is estimated that as many as 500’000 Swiss residents suffer from a rare or orphan disease."



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