DTI-Energies© is proud...

DTI-Energies© is proud to announce it’s first sales & marketing partnership with the young Austrian company hei solar light™.

mardi 1 novembre 2011

hei™ is an R&D company specialized in the development of innovative photovoltaic solutions since 2001. During these last years, the company has elaborated a unique worldwide-patented process to curve solid monocrystalline cells, creating the first photovoltaic tube efficient enough for night light applications. Since 2008, le company has decided to commercialize the patented technology under the name of hei solar light™.

The first application chosen was the development of night light solution that DTI-Energies© is now able to offer with a range of products who have won several technologic and design prices.

"I am convinced that this is beginning of a long and profitable business relationship"

Martin Lehdorfer, HEI Solar Light Area Sales Manager


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