COVID, nearly the end?

COVID, nearly the end?

jeudi 4 mars 2021

"The history of Humanity is thus built: each major epidemic gives way to a reflection on our political organization and the behaviors that it implies. The coronavirus crisis is a health, social and economic tragedy of which the being human, strong in its evolution, will have more than ever to learn the lessons by going back to basics. "

Public lighting is, in our opinion, one of the essentials of modern society; it has offered safety and comfort to humans all over the world for several centuries!

The pandemic invites us to reflect on the future and takes up the mantra of DTI-Energies which is: "Rethinking the Future"; rethinking the future, and this is exactly the challenge imposed on us today in all aspects of life, particularly in the field of economics and ecology.

DTI-Energies, by its very essence, consistently refers to change and new ways of doing things, more environmentally and economically efficient!

Our offer is also part of this challenge: to provide the most efficient light source possible with the least possible energy input.

DTI-Energies therefore remains your partner of choice in the development, implementation and maintenance of your solar public lighting projects.

Together, let's rethink an efficient, effective and essential future!

Dear members, we remain at your disposal for any reflection relating to your lighting projects and hope that you and your loved ones will have been able to pass this unprecedented period without too much turbulence.



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