New installation in...

New installation in Geneva, near the CEVA train station in Eaux-Vives

mardi 7 mai 2019

After long negociations the city of Geneva is equipped with DTI-Energies solar lights type Mira 4000 installed next to the CEVA train station of Eaux-Vives.
Thank you to the city for the trust.
#solarlights☀️ #publiclight #photovoltaique #photovoltaic #concepteurlumiere #light #eclairagepublic

 #lightplan #sustainableenergysolutions #civilengineeringstudent #géniecivil #newtechnology #energiepropre 

#cleanenergynow #architectural#architect #streetlamps #streetlightinglaterns #streetlights#citylights #lamppost 

#emptystreets #nightlights #citynight#citylandscape #geneve #gva #villedegenève #ceva #mira4000

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