
Le lampadaire solaire hei solar light™ fonctionne de façon complètement autonome

The hei solar light™ products focus the solar energy through photovoltaic cells in a battery.

These luminaires, designed originally for most challenging solar radiance environments geographical zones (a climate you can find in western Europe) has also proven its efficiency in high sun radiance areas (middle east) and in Mountain regions. (Reflation of the sun on the snow)

Its optimal function needs only a short period of 2 hours of day to the sun. We precise that we don't need a direct sun exposition. Small clouds of low density will not avoid the device functionality.

In addition, you need to take in consideration the fact that if the stocked energy during a complete sunny day allows an optimal functionality during 7 days without loosing power. So, an average sunny day every 2 to 3 days are enough to ensure an optimal functionality.

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